Friday, January 20, 2017

KL: A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps

I finished KL yesterday. I imagine this book will haunt me for a long time to come--as it likely should. KL was an incredibly difficult read, emotionally. There simply aren't adequate words for what happened during this era in history. Brutal and horrifying, the capabilities man has against fellow man to humiliate, torture, and ultimately kill...Reading this book was like witnessing a voraciously evil cancer take hold and grow, tormenting and devouring its victims with greater, more tremendous savagery as time went on.

I found myself Googling a lot throughout reading this book--realizing just how little I truly knew about the Holocaust. But the actual Holocaust is only a tiny portion of what happened throughout this history of the Nazi concentration camps. I think this book is a must read for every human being on earth--to acknowledge, to remember, to truly know the atrocities that happened at the hands of these monsters.

So I've started the year with a couple incredibly heavy reads with War and Peace and KL. I'm definitely ready for something lighter and happier and am starting Laura Barnett's The Versions of Us--an alternate universe sort of story, imagining "what if", the possibilities of missed opportunities in life and relationships.

I also discovered a super cute used bookstore this week not far from home, Annie's Book Stop in Raynham. I was immediately enamored with the store and picked up a couple previously read mass market paperbacks for a new fantasy series I've been wanting to read, Brent Weeks' Night Angel trilogy. So much for culling some of my backlist--I also picked up A Strangeness in my Mind by Orhan Pamuk when I popped into Westport's wonderful Partners Village Gift Store yesterday and ordered James Corey's Caliban's War with a Barnes and Noble coupon this morning...A girl just can't help herself! There are much worse things I could spend my money on, right???

How is your reading list growing?

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