I wasn't terribly impressed with my last two picks: Bruce Cameron's A Dog's Purpose and Frank Herbert's Dune. Dog's Purpose read more like juvenile, empty fluff for me. A dog's reincarnation into different lives and situations and the things he'd learned each life...Maybe it had some good potential there, it just didn't grab me. Then Dune...SciFi has never been my favorite genre (although I really love James Corey's Expanse series) Dune is so devoid of anything emotional to make you care two wits about anything that's going on in the book. That one also fell flat for me.
That only leaves two more books for the initial challenge and I'm adding a couple more for the extended challenge (a 2017 bestseller, plus another for extra credit) so stay tuned for those. And I've already pulled the remaining books together to finish my A to Z Challenge:
I've also cut myself off from buying any new books for the time being. Michael's surgery bills are rolling in, Tucker's surgery is on Thursday, the expense of school is looming for the fall...I've fallen so far short of trimming my backlist this year that I'm holding myself more accountable for the remainder of the year to stem any buying until I've made a significant reduction in my crammed bookshelf population. At least until some new coupons roll through...shhhhh!!
How's your summer reading going? Leave a comment below--I'd love to hear from you!
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